Benefits of Monetizing Your Old IT Assets and How to Do It

IT Asset Recycling - CompuCycle

Technology is evolving rapidly nowadays, which means IT assets become obsolete more quickly than before. Several businesses buy better models within a few years because they are more efficient and optimized. However, that also means you have an inventory full of old equipment you no longer use. So, why not monetize it through an IT…

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Responsible Electronics Recycling in Schools – A Basic Guide

Electronics Recycling in Schools- CompuCycle

The US school system has evolved from its traditional teaching models by introducing more technology. The transformation isn’t complete since some districts have yet to receive appropriate equipment, but it is in process. However, this transformation has also led to concerns about responsible recycling in schools. Experts estimate that the US will produce 164 million…

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Best Ways to Dispose Commercial E-Waste

E-waste disposal is a vast and complex field requiring several considerations and specialized knowledge in order to be executed properly. There are many ways to go about commercial e-waste disposal, but the most important thing is to ensure that it is done in a safe and responsible manner. All over the world, the commercial e-waste…

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A Business Plan for E-Waste Recycling

E-waste recycling - CompuCycle

In a world where resources are being depleted at an alarming rate, it’s more important than ever to find ways to recycle and reuse materials. That’s why e-waste recycling is such an important industry. Corporate electronic recycling is set to lead the industry to newer heights in the coming years. E-Cycle electronic recycling refers to…

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What is the Environmental Impact of Electronic Devices?

environmental impact of e-waste - CompuCycle

According to Global News Wire, the Electronic industry grew from $948.7 billion in 2020 following COVID-19 to $1.05 trillion by 2021. This incredible growth was mainly due to the emergence of remote work, online education, and the growing demand for entertainment, prompting millions of consumers worldwide to buy computers, laptops, smartphones, games, etc. Businesses also…

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How to Stir Up Electronic Recycling in Your Company

Electronics Recycling Services - CompuCycle

It is easy for a business to become complacent with its recycling program. They may have a designated area for employees to recycle paper, plastic, and metal, but what about electronics? How often do you recycle your old or broken electronics? And where do you send them? If you are looking for ways to stir…

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3 Ways to Help Your Tech Last Forever: Recycle

Recycle tech trash - CompuCycle

The total cost of new electronic devices includes several invisible and intangible costs, such as those marketing, shipping, manufacturing, etc. These costs signify the extraction of virgin raw materials, like minerals and metals, energy consumption in manufacturing plants, the environmental toll of different processes, etc. For this reason, it is crucial for the planet that…

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5 Myths and Facts About E-Waste Recycling

5 Myths and Facts About E-Waste Recycling

The problem of e-waste has been growing rapidly but so have e-waste recycling efforts. Local e-waste recycling companies that are responsible and certified properly dispose of redundant and non-recyclable materials extracted from end-of-life electronics. The past few years have also seen a revolution in the equipment and techniques of electronics and computer hardware recycling. A…

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What Are the Different Categories of E-waste Recycling?

categories of e-waste recycling

When it comes to e-waste recycling, the processes and systems can be extensive and complicated at the end of the operation. The business industry uses electronic items in its endeavors, and different sectors employ different technologies and assets. These different sources of electronics make up different e-waste disposal categories. Regardless of which category your business…

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What are the recyclable materials in your computer?

Almost all of us use computers in our homes and at work. Most of the economic activities in today’s digital world are either connected with computers in some way or directly require computing processes. When computer technology gets updated or, like every electronic device, our computers become obsolete or cease to function, the need for…

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