7 Key Important Things to Do After a Data Breach

Digital Data Destruction - CompuCycle

Information security has become more advanced with the increase in cyberattacks. That is why you will notice a lot more protocol around company laptop disposal now than you used to a decade and a half ago or so. However, taking all necessary precautions isn’t enough sometimes, and you may end up with data breaches.

How to Minimize Damage after Company Laptop Disposal Data Breach - CompuCycle

It is a hassle to deal with such incidents, but having a plan and keeping a cool head can lower your damage significantly. Instead of panicking, it is best to get to work and try to block off access to any data center that may have become compromised. But that’s only the beginning. This blog will provide a brief guide to give you an idea of the actions you need to take after a data breach.


Key Important Things to Do After a Data Breach


A data breach may be stressful, but you can take the following measures to keep the damage as low as possible.


1. Find Out the Breach Type and Source


Firstly, you must uncover why and how cybercriminals breached the data type. Potential options include:

  • Ransomware
  • Stolen information (customer, employee, financial, operations)
  • Phishing
  • Operations data leak
  • Malware
  • Password Guessing
  • Distributed Denial of Service

Ideally, you must have an intelligent and quick incident reporting mechanism that immediately detects and reports the breach. Once you know the problem you’re dealing with, you need to discover the source.

Check all loose ends, especially asset disposal. Data erasure services are necessary, but choosing the wrong partner can put you at risk. Also, see if the breach came from an internal or external source to ensure your employees aren’t behind the attack.


2. Change All Passwords


While one team checks for the type and source, another team should simultaneously change passwords for all compromised data centers. Typically, it is best only to change the password of compromised assets; however, things aren’t always that simple.

Prioritize password changes for devices or accounts confirmed to be compromised, but make it a point to address all areas at risk.


3. Initiate a Complaint or Document


Issue a formal notice of complaint to the relevant authority to ensure the issue is raised and documented. Delaying the process can cause legal problems in the future, primarily if the claimant argues that delay in documentation is a sign of neglect or malicious intent.

Safeguarding company interest needs to be your primary responsibility, so you must carry it out diligently.


4. Remain Alert for Potential Attacks


Once your data gets compromised, you risk more significant information security concerns. You will need to remain alert while the case investigation continues. The alertness is necessary to catch anyone trying to take the opportunity of the situation to cause further unrest.

It would help if you also stayed wary of actions the cybercriminal may take. If they get their hands on sensitive information, they may try to use it to deepen the problem. Keep your PR and IT team ready to respond to any provocation.


5. Alert Digital Data Destruction Service Providers


Digital data destruction is a core factor you need to consider when dealing with data breaches. Company laptop disposal or the discarding of any other electronic needs to be thoroughly reviewed before approval.

This step is critical because it can make or break a team if people discover that the attack resulted from internal politics. CompuCycle is a leading company for electronic waste disposal, and we can ensure that you always receive the best and most service from us.


6. Closely Monitor All Financial Activity


Your financials need extra scrutiny after a data breach because the person might try to siphon money away while you aren’t looking. Hackers are smart enough to do the work without being noticed, so you’ll have to work on strategies to draw them out.

Organizations often face millions of dollars in losses, and you cannot afford to lose that much.


7. Initiate Process to Upgrade Cybersecurity


A data breach shows that, despite your best effort, your cybersecurity model isn’t enough for operations, and you need to find an advanced alternative for replacement. Contact IT consultants and request meetings to discover which system would suit you.

Accelerate the new security system installation and ensure your information is safer than before.


Final Thoughts


We hope you found this blog informative and learned what you need to do after a data breach. The CompuCycle team is always ready to help, and we will provide the best company laptop disposal and data destruction services for you. Don’t hesitate to contact our team to set up a meeting and discuss our service plans to keep your operations smooth.

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