Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety, and Information Security (QEHSIS) Policy

CompuCycle is committed to providing solutions for the responsible, effective management and removal of end-of-life electronic assets in a manner protecting the environment, worker health and safety, our clients, and our community and protecting the confidentially, integrity and availability of information of CompuCycle and our interested parties. As a leading provider of IT recycling, privacy protection and security, and disposal services, we recognize the importance of responsible waste management, ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees, and minimizing the environmental impact of our business activities. Our goal is to provide secure, sustainable, and compliant IT recycling services while adhering to regulatory standards and industry best practices.

  • CompuCycle is committed to continual improvement and meeting our customer requirements.
  • CompuCycle is committed the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems through responsible recycling.
  • CompuCycle is committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injury and ill health and control occupational health and safety risks using the hierarchy of controls.
  • CompuCycle is committed to worker participation, and where they exist, workers’ representatives, in the decision-making processes in the QEHSIS management system.
  • CompuCycle is committed to fulfill its compliance obligations relative to the quality, environmental, health and safety and information security aspects of our business.
  • CompuCycle is committed to monitoring of objectives and rigorous evaluation of our management system to QEHSIS performance.
  • CompuCycle is committed to managing used and end of life electronic equipment based on a reuse, refurbishment, recovery, disposal hierarchy including onsite and downstream materials management throughout the recycling chain.
  • CompuCycle is committed to protect workers’ rights to a workplace free from harassment and discrimination.
  • CompuCycle is committed to protect workers’ rights to a workplace free from harmful pollutants and hazardous conditions.
  • CompuCycle is committed to prevent Transboundary Movement of Materials of Concern (MOCs) in violation of relevant laws, treaties, agreements, and the e-Stewards Standard.
  • CompuCycle prohibit the use of forced and child labor.
  • CompuCycle restricts the use of Prison Operations in accordance with the e-Stewards Standard.
  • CompuCycle restrict the disposal of MOCs in accordance with the e-Stewards Standard.
  • CompuCycle is committed to communicating and reinforcing this policy throughout our company, to all people working for or on behalf of the organization as well as, to our customers, our suppliers and other interested parties.
  • CompuCycle’s system or process supporting business functions is properly managed for information risk and undergo an annual risk assessment as part of a secure system development life cycle.
  • CompuCycle is committed to respecting, promoting and protecting human rights as outlined in the UN Declaration for Human Rights.